A digest of current events, pop culture and other ephemera.

I’m Elise Hu, a traveler, friend collector, journalist, podcaster, and generally restless person. I started writing a newsletter in 2015 when I moved to South Korea as an international correspondent and felt distanced from my friends in the United States. I sent it to eight friends. But they enjoyed hearing from me in this way and shared it with strangers, so it grew quietly on its own.

The content has remained the same since I started: A funny meme or memes. Links to articles, podcasts and TV/film I consumed and found worthy of sharing. What I’ve worked on and/or written, and any recommendations that don’t fit in the other categories.

Why Subscribe?

I consume a lot of content, and maybe my interests align with yours, or you are open to random stuff you haven’t come across before. Or you are a friend of mine and want to hear from me. Or you are my partner in life or business and feel obligated to subscribe.

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To find out more about the company that provides the tech for this newsletter, visit Substack.com.

Subscribe to Hu's Letter?

A free digest that comes out at irregular intervals, featuring my favorite links, half-baked thoughts and assorted recommendations. Choose NO PLEDGE at the next screen ... this will always be free!


Enthusiasm enthusiast. Host at TED Talks Daily, NPR host-at-large, author of FLAWLESS, mom to three spawn, prone to freak accidents, fan of food on sticks. Instagram @elisewho. TikTok @whoelise.