Elise, Thank you for being a light of reason. Post election, I felt powerless and had hopes a third party might appear. During the past decade Trump’s lies were obvious to me and I believed most people believed that, too. I understand what you are saying, it seems they found a truth that even while false represented their feelings. If they are satisfied seeing life through these perverse lenses, how can we move them towards reality?


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Thanks for sharing all these reads, I have many tabs open now. And I think that WIRED piece on influencers broke my brain a little. It's wild how behind the left is on this front!

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You did a lot of work for a lot of people on this, me included. Thank you.

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I wish this wasn't a thing we had to really communicate and overcommunicate and solve for, but alas, here we are. Share with your networks...

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Also, of course I’m sharing your piece. It’s the first clip in the next newsletter.

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It’s possible that this wasn’t a messaging failure. Dowd has an analysis that needs to be examined further.

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One last thing: I'm sure you agree with the analyses you excerpted and linked to, but what came across was your sincere curiosity. Nearly every other hot take remarkably coexisted with the author's preconceived ideas. Lots of axes getting grinded these days in DC.

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all the axe grinding is pointless when reality has splintered!

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